Season 6: Trust & Participation


upcoming EPISODE


In an era where misinformation spreads faster than facts and public trust in institutions continues to erode, this episode explores the pressing question: Is the truth dead? We’ll dive right into the world of "alternative facts" and mainstreaming of "fake news" in shaping public opinion, and how echo chambers continuously undermine facts and a shared reality. Nothing is off limits: We will look at the Meta announcement backtracking on fact checking, denial despite public record, and the information environment as Canadians prepare to go to the polls. And we have to explore the tension between protecting truth amidst the destructive power of misinformation--while equally protecting free speech. We will host two leading voices, Craig Silverman, investigative journalist, and Maya Shoucair, Media Consultant, to look at whether the truth as we know it and as a concept is dead, and what the implications are. What does this mean as Canadians navigate an impending federal election?

About our Speakers

Craig Silverman is an award-winning journalist and author and a leading expert on online disinformation, fake news, and digital investigations. He's a national reporter with ProPublica, where he investigates digital platforms and online manipulation. He's also the editor of the European Journalism Centre’s Verification Handbook series and writes the Digital Investigations newsletter. He currently serves as the verification expert in residence for TMU's School of Journalism. Craig previously served as media editor of BuzzFeed News, where he pioneered coverage of digital disinformation and media manipulation.

Maya Shoucair works at the intersection of technology, media, and governance, exploring how digital platforms can strengthen democracy and foster more inclusive, informed communities. She has worked across tech, government, and non profits leading initiatives at TikTok, Shopify, MediaSmarts, and the Government of Canada to advance platform safety, community engagement, and social impact, while collaborating with cross-sectoral leaders to shape more responsible digital spaces. With a background in media literacy, public policy, and communications, she understands how information flows across systems and how to design for connection, empowerment, and civic engagement. Passionate about bridging divides, she leverages pop culture and storytelling to make information more accessible and engaging.

Victoria Kuketz is thrilled to be the host of the Democracy Dialogues. She is a public policy and external relations professional who has built her career leading programming centred on social policy and democratic engagement, community outreach, driving stakeholder engagement, and building partnerships. She is also the Director of Corporate Engagement at Catalyst Canada, and the Digital Democracy Fellow at the Public Policy Forum. Having worked closely with The Exchange in its formative years, Victoria is excited to return in this role and will draw on her previous experience at Public Policy Forum (where she is now a disability inclusion advisor), Elections Ontario, MaRS Discovery District, and the Samara Center for Democracy in order to convene and facilitate equitable, timely and responsive conversations for the Democracy Dialogues. Victoria holds both a Master's Degree and HBA from the University of Toronto in Literature with a focus on Representation and Intersectionality. Fun fact, Victoria was the first-ever Vote Pop-Up volunteer and worked with The Exchange and on behalf of Elections Ontario to achieve the First-Time Voter Award from the International Center for Parliamentary Studies. Get in touch with her to share ideas for topics, chat about building an inclusive democracy, and to share great books and articles you're reading. 



Kicking off Season 6 of the Democracy Dialogues, and right on the heels of the U.S. election, we’re diving into one of the most pressing issues of our time: election interference and its impact on trust and participation. Led by series host Victoria Kuketz, this season launch brings together leading voices on democratic security.

We’re honored to feature David Salvo, Catherine Corriveau, and Adam Barnes. Together, they’ll decode the latest tactics of interference, reveal the stakes of the 2024 elections in Canada, the U.S., and beyond, and discuss how resilient communities can counter these threats through a “whole of society” approach. Don’t miss this essential conversation on defending democracy—one community at a time.