Citizen Minutes Community Engagement Toolbox
In partnership with Hot Docs, The Exchange created a Community Engagement Toolbox of activities inspired by the Citizen Minutes collection of short documentaries. The activities provide community organizations with easy to use guides to explore themes in the film and provoke, challenge and empower participants.
About Citizen Minutes - This series of eight short documentaries features bold and unlikely changemakers who inspire us to jump in and get involved in civic issues close to our homes and hearts.
To view the films and download the toolkit visit HERE!
Institute for Future Legislators (IFL-R)
The Exchange helped establish the IFL-R in the Faculty of Arts at Toronto Metropolitan University.
This intensive hands-on program builds on the work started at the University of British Columbia and teaches participants what it takes to be an effective legislator through a series of simulations, conversations with high profile former legislators and workshops led by practitioners. The program culminates in Ottawa where participants have completed their simulation in the Senate chambers.
Mitigating Disinformation on the Front Lines
TThe SSHRC funded project, jointly led by the Social and Political Psychology Lab and the Democratic Engagement Exchange in the Faculty of Arts at TMU is creating a unique tool to help facilitate experimental research on social media. The project has used this tool to research how Canadian newcomers interact with online misinformation. In turn this research will foster the development and evaluation of evidence-based training of staff settlement workers in immigrant and refugee communities and better equip stakeholders in the settlement sector to recognize and counter online misinformation and related harms.
For more information about this tool visit the Mock Social Media Website Tool.
Journeys to Active Citizenship (JAC) is developing civic engagement program models and curriculum tools to foster active citizenship amongst immigrants and refugees across Canada. This groundbreaking five year project works with settlement agencies to provide immigrants and refugees the tools, skills, and knowledge they need to engage our democracy and shape their future.
Democracy after COVID 19: What Lessons Can Canada Offer and Learn?
Led jointly by the Democratic Engagement Exchange, Samara Canada and the Jarislowsky Democracy Chair Democracy After Covid addresses the ramifications of the pandemic upon governance in Canada through practically-oriented and policy-relevant comparative research.
The project has two overarching aims: (a) to examine whether, how and why the politics of the pandemic has affected how democracy works in Canada; and (b) to learn, share and translate what strategies, innovations and practices can improve its quality, effectiveness and resilience.
Dialogues for Change - RE:Thinking Politics
Through a series of engaging workshops and conversations, The University Library and the Democratic Engagement Exchange are bringing together students, faculty and staff to create the possibility of new forms of democratic discourse and engagement. More than a panel presentation, this series challenges participants to RE:Think how we do politics and listen to people in our community.
CanStudy US
CanStudyUS provides a singular, hands-on opportunity for youth leaders to experience democratic engagement and outreach, leadership and public policy development in the United States.
Launched in partnership with the Ryerson Leadership Lab, CanStudyUS has built a reputation of excellence by organizing tripChicago, Illinois in 2018 and 2020 as well asWashington, D.C. in 2019 where youth leaders engaged and worked directly with grassroots change-making initiatives and engaged with senior Canadian changemakers who joined the trip.