When you see a headline in the news or a story on social media that makes you angry, sad or brings you tears, what do you do? Do certain stories that touch your heart make you want to spring into action?
There are many ways to make the world a better place. Taking action can be as small as offering your neighbour a cup of sugar, or signing a petition, and as big as volunteering for a cause you care about, or going to a rally.
What’s important is that everyone has a voice. When those voices are raised together, they become impossible to ignore.
Make our communities more resilient and our democracy stronger.
This October, we have the chance to make our voices heard in the Canadian federal election.
With our vote, we express the hopes and dreams for the future WE want and care about.
The following pages will equip you with everything you need to have the confidence to vote.
Remember - the people’s vote elects the government. Make an impact and make your vote count.
Save the dates
Campus Voting
October 5-9
Advanced Voting
October 11-14
Monday October 21
This guide is designed to be your one-stop-shop for the information you need to understand and participate in the 2019 Canadian federal election on October 21st, 2019.
This handbook is for you.
It equips you with everything you need to make a well-informed decision to vote in the upcoming federal election.
Inside, you will find reliable information on Canada’s parties, learn how to engage on issues that are important to you, and what to do when it comes to “fake news.” We’ll also get down to the nitty gritty - the how, why, and where of voting on Election Day.
Don’t just vote because it matters. Vote because YOU matter.
What’s this handbook for, anyway?
You! Because when armed with the right info and knowledge, you can make a confident decision on who to vote for. We’re providing all of the important info, so YOU can make an informed decision.
You might already know some of the information that’s in this guide. Don’t read the whole thing if it’s not what you need - just skip to the stuff that’s important to you!
To print your Election Handbook, get the full PDF in English here, and in French here.
Primer on Misinformation in Español, Punjabi, Chinese, Arabic, and Tagalog
Primer on Finding Your Political Identity in Español, Punjabi, Chinese, Arabic, and Tagalog